Monday 29 March 2010


Fixation is a fatal attraction movie whereby a woman (Monica Carter) is offered a job as the principal’s (Sean Carter) new PA. As soon as she sees him she takes an instant liking to him. Adamant to win him over she attempts several tactics from seducing the principal to stalking him. When her behaviour becomes a problem he approaches her stating that he is flattered by her interest however, is married and loves his wife. Failing to take heed the principal confides in his wife (Sharday) who decides to pay her a visit. Again there is no improvement seen in her behaviour forcing couple to report her to the tribunal. Following this Monica is dismissed. Several months have passed and Monica returns causing more destruction. What fate awaits her?

Fixation was originally titled I Want Your Man however, after careful consideration as not to divulge too much of the plot I revisited the drawing board. Fixation was chosen as it identifies the key theme without revealing the narrative.

The order of events will be that of a non-linear sequence as the opening sequence will occur later in the film.

The scene will begin with Monica writing in a journal intercut with credits. All that will be seen is her hands. This will be followed by Monica looking at the photograph of Mr. Carter and his wife and drawing upon Sharday’s face. A close-up will be taken of this to emphasise her actions. Monica will then paste the photograph into her journal. The next shot will show the her running their fingers over Mr. Carter’s face as if to caress, before removing Sharday from photograph. The last two shots will show Monica highlighting various numbers from the telephone book and watching Mr. Carter enter school building via CCTV, before closing her journal where the action will end.

The transition used will be a basic cut as I want to create fast pace to enable the narrative maintain at a reasonable speed. Also when the subject is holding the photograph a green film will fill the screen to show how the jealously descends upon the subject.

Non-diagetic sound will be used throughout the sequence to establish the mood being eerie creating tension for the viewer. The tone of the music will remain the same throughout however, when the protagonist is cutting the photograph the pitch will ascend to signify this then return to the normal pace. In addition, when the subject is caressing the face of the male figure a sound effect will be used to evoke the intention.

Lighting will be low key relying purely upon one light being a side lamp to enhance mood/ atmosphere.

Fixation is aimed at both males and females however, due to the nature of the film and taking into account it is shown from a female perspective one would feel that women maybe more inclined to view this. The minimum viewing age would be a fifteen as sex, violence and language would be fairly moderate. I feel that the overall concept is one that many people will relate to as the feeling of jealousy is something we have all experience whatever desire maybe.

The following equipment will be required during the filming process: camcorder, tripod, journal, pens, scissors, adhesive and lamp.

The title ‘Fixation’ will be bold and capitalised, then the text will then fade out gradually to connote mystery. The colour used will be green as it is commonly associated with jealously therefore, feel it would be most appropriate.

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